
《罗马三贱客 第一季》是Sam Leifer导演的一部超级经典的片,该剧讲述了:

  Plebs is described as "a thoroughly modern comedy in an ancient setting."
  Rome is traditionally imagined as the home of emperors and senators, generals and gladiators, a dignified theatre of pomp and ceremony. But what about the little guys, the wasters - new to the big city, stuck in office jobs, unable to get the girls?
  Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs as they try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city - a city that happens to be Ancient Rome.
  The show focuses on Marcus, Stylax and their lazy slave with an attitude problem, Grumio. There's also the boys' ruthless boss, Flavia - an expert manipulator with a private life that's the stuff of legend.
  Unlikely to be immortalised in the annals or memorialised in a frieze, Marcus, Stylax and Grumio are essentially just a bunch of Plebs.
  And whether they're wearing togas, or skinny jeans, desperate young men in any period of history are essentially cut from the same cloth...



罗马三贱客 第一季影片的精彩影评

  • Morning
    天啦噜的差评好可怕 都怀疑是一部分是有人恶意刷的。比预想的好看【我也是只看过第一季的网剧。 特效还是够良心嘛 BGM和剧情还是挺不错的了。小部分笑点和表演很尴尬 大多数时候也觉得挺自然也能开怀地笑出来 花絮更搞笑 哈哈 ps. 结尾石牛那部分竟然燃哭了
  • 崧澤野鶴
    @【gala durham】全场只有我和一妈拖了俩娃,不过说了绝对是全程有笑点,应该不是我笑点低,而且算是对得起piccadilly circus满大街的广告了!不过3D效果貌似一般。印象特深刻的有Peabody说学中文才是有前途的!还有!达芬奇对蒙娜丽莎说阳光和pasta乃是意呆利的快乐之源哟!!!还有还有。。。好多!
  • Ocap
  • 大美女
    马景涛的老婆好漂亮啊,罗马三贱客 第一季有木有,教主你爽大了啊,有木有!!! 何润东个2b。。。演个剑客能演成贞子
  • 邓安庆